Details in accordance with Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act [TMG]
Torbau Schwaben GmbH
Enzianstraße 14
D-88436 Oberessendorf
Telephone: 07355/9310-0
Represented by:
Roland Kaiser; Mr. Frank Landthaler
Register entry:
Entry in the commercial register.
Registry court: Ulm
Register number: 640678
VAT ID No.: DE 144 892 522
Graphics, design, coding:
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All of the information contained on our website has been carefully checked by Torbau Schwaben GmbH. Neither Torbau Schwaben GmbH nor third-party suppliers accept any responsibility for the correctness, completeness, or up-to-date nature of the information contained therein. This information is intended as a service to customers, potential clients, retailers, suppliers, and partners of Torbau Schwaben GmbH.
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